Monday, May 28, 2012

Passion for Horses

Passion for Horses is available on Kindle and will be free every Friday for the month of June!

More great news. The print version is now available for purchase!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Call For Submissions

Submissions for Passion for Weird Tales will open on June 2nd and will remain open until ten stories and essays have been chosen.

You may submit before June 2nd but keep in mind your story will be held for review until then. You may submit a fiction or nonfiction weird tale to us. While most weird tales lean toward horror, we are open to all genres and are particularly interested in upbeat weird tales. While there are no set limits to the content, keep in mind that our goal is to create a book, not only for fans of strange fiction, but to draw in new readers. In other words, this probably isn't the place for gore or torture stories. Traditional monsters are welcome, but remember vampires and werewolves in themselves are not weird enough. To give in you a better idea of what we want, consider Tomorrow's Child by Ray Bradbury.

We'll place stories we like under consideration and well let you know right away. If and only if you are notified that your story is under consideration, you must contribute an essay.  In general the essay could include information about your love of strange fiction, writers you admire and or what inspired the story you wrote. The essay will be a factor in our final decision.

DO NOT send us an essay unless we request one. Send submissions to geckopublishing(@)gmail (dot) com. We request that you the combined total of essay and short story be roughly 5000 words but we'll make exceptions for outstanding writing. Pay is 1/4 per word.

Monday, May 14, 2012


We are in the process of transitioning most of our pages to We find the format better suited to running a business. We'll maintain our blog here because of the follow feature. We'll still use the blog to make updates. Please bear with us.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Passion for Horses Live/ Updates

First Passion for Horses is live. It has been live for about a month. I got all the formatting done just before my trip to the United States. Unfortunately that didn't leave me much time to update the blog. It can be purchased here.

Due to Amazon's rules for their Kindle Select Program we are unable to offer this book through alternate channels for about 90 days. This was a strategic decision on our part.At the end of the 90 days we'll offer expanded distribution on multiple formats.We'll also be offering Passion for Horses in paper back very soon. To help insure our success, we ask that if you purchase a copy, that you leave a review. Of the thousands of ways we can advertise, this is one of the most effective ways to increase sales. We need sales to be able to grow and pay our authors better. Higher rates for authors is our number one priority.

The next order of business are submission guidelines. These will be updated this week as well as our official call for submissions for Passion for Weird Tales. Thanks to the suggestion of one of your contributing authors we are also adding Passion for Miracles to our list of upcoming projects.