Friday, January 27, 2012

Things that come up

Things come up from time to time that we had not considered.

First, if you send photos please be sure they are your photos. The story must be yours too.

Second, we are starting to get a bunch of lovely stories together. Several authors have expressed that they also have fictionalized horse stories. I've talked it over with my partner and we're not sure that there is a market for this, but are open to the idea of doing a collection of horse fiction anyway. We'll post a call when the time comes.

Third, this has made us think hard about the kind of publishing company we want to be and where we want to fit in this industry. We don't really know the answer to that yet. Maybe this is too honest, but it's the truth. We have business plan but we want to remain flexible, to let the company evolve. Having said that, we appreciate the authors taking a chance on us. We apologize for the low pay and are working diligently to rectify that.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Call For Submissions Extended

Passion for Horses has come to a grinding halt. We can't move forward without stories. So please, send us your tale.

We're looking for about nine short essays that illuminate the theme, passion for horses.Non-fiction, personal experiences only.

We're not looking for stories about the one time you rode a horse.

Tell us why you love horses. Even if you've never owned a horse or ridden one, tell us why you love them and what has kept you from your dream. You can write about a tribute to a horse you had as a child, a horse that passed away, a horse that taught you a lot about life or an equine professional that had an impact on your passion for horses. You might even simply write a personal essay about your passion for horses. Feel free to use your favorite horse quotes. If your writing about a specific horse, please include a photo of the horse as a jpg attachment. The essays should be between 500 and 1500 words. Since the essays are short, place them in the body of the email.

I'll consider longer pieces if they're exceptional. For longer submissions, attach the files in .rtf, doc, or .docx format. The pay rate is 1/4 cent per word (minimum $5.00)We want essays from horse lovers, not necessarily writers so I'll be more lenient on spelling and grammar as long as the story has an emotional truth. But proofread. I mean this. It's an auto rejection if you can't use punctuation.

We will edit all submissions.

Send submissions to geckopublishing(at) ( This format helps stop the bots from spamming us. Replace at with @ and remember to delete the period after com )

Call for submissions remains open until enough submissions are received.