Tuesday, March 27, 2012

What comes next

Passion for horses is finished and should be available for purchase some time next week. Since I have to go back to America for personal reasons, we're closed to submissions for the month of April and May.

On June second, we'll start accepting submissions to Passion for Weird Tales. The call for submissions will remain open until July 15th.

There will be several changes to our submission process as well. Please check back.

I'd also like to welcome Ambrose Orange to the Green Gecko team. He is our copy editor.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Welcome Gail, Debbie and Becky and some news

I want to take a moment to welcome three new writers to the Green Gecko family.

Gail Kavanagh is a former journalist from The Outback, not the restaurant, the country. She sent us a delightful, passion filled story.

Debbie Dean is a real character herself. She's a long time horse professional who has done a little of everything including working in the steel mills as a pipe inspector and driving semi trucks. We're so glad that she shared her story with us and we can share it with you.

Becky Bean is mother of two unruly, but lovely boys. She's also a freelance writer. We're exited she found the time in her busy scheduled to share her passion for horses with us.

A few other bits of news. We're working on something top secrete here at Green Gecko. This project has meant that we might have to re-evaluate our policy towards paper books. We still see ourselves as an E-publisher but we're also a business. That means not closing the door on opportunities. Our next project will be Passion for Weird Tales. It's time we got some fiction in the house. We'll announce the official submission dates soon but you can send us your submissions early if you like.